
Monday, December 23, 2013

IBPS Bank PO,IBPS Bank Clerk,SBI Bank PO,SBI Bank Clerk,SSC

1)There are 600 boys in a hostel, 3/5 of them play football and 300 boys play volleyball. Find the number of boys who play both?

a) 50
b) 60
c) 45
d) 40

Ans - 60

(2)Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

a) 35

b) 45

c) 21

d) 28

Ans -45

(3)A shopkeeper has an average sale of 7800 in 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs. 7500?

a) 7000

b) 6000

c) 7500

d) 6500

Ans - 6000

(4)The average age of the players in a cricket team is 26 years. If the wicket keeper's age is 37 years, what is the average age of the remaining 11 players?

a) 27

b) 26

c) 25

d) 25.5

Ans -25

(5)Ankush starts walking straight facing the south. After walking 30 mtrs he turned to his right, and walked 25m and turned to his left. Again after walking a distance of 10m he turned to his left. Which direction is he facing now?

a) West

b) East

c) North-east

d) South-West

Ans- East
(6)A piggy bank contains 400 coins of 50p denomination and 1200 coins of 25p denomination. The amount formed by the 50p coins is what percent of the total amount in Rs.

a) 30%

b) 40%

c) 50%

d) 60%

Ans -40%

(7)The monthly salary of Ajay ,Bhavin and Chetan are in the ratio 2: 3: 5. If Chetan's monthly salary is Rs. 1,200 more than that of Ajay, find Bhavin's Monthly salary.

a) Rs. 2000

b) Rs. 1000

c) Rs. 1500

d) Rs. 1200

Ans -1200

(8)The average age of the men in the office is 2.5 times the number of women in the office. If the ratio of men and women in the office of 48 employees is 3:1, then what is the total age of men in the office?

a) 1080

b) 1800

c) 1008

d) 1180

Ans -1080

(9)14 children have been divided into two groups of P and Q of 8 and 6 children respectively. The average percent marks obtained by the children in group P is 70% and the average marks of all the 14 children is 73%. What is the average percent marks of children in group Q?

a) 71%

b) 73%

c) 75%

d) 77%

Ans -77%